Assistive Technology


The Assistive Technology lab is available during library hours. During midterm and final exam weeks we may be using the lab for an alternative testing room so please prepare for potential closures during those times. If you have questions, contact

Location and Hours

The Assistive Technology Lab, EPC238 is located in the Kraemer Family Library and is open to all students registered with Disability Services. Hours are the same as the library hours.

What We Offer:

Book Conversions

Students needing audio, digital or print books that are not available in the open market can request books in their required format from the Assistive Technology Specialist. Students must have a reading accommodation via the Disability Services office. See the Reading Accommodations page for more options.

Assistive Technology Loans

Equipment and Software is available for loan with a related accommodation. Ergonomic keyboards, note-taking software and amplification systems are some of the many tools we offer to students free of charge during their years at UCCS.  

Training Sessions

Students are welcome to request training in specific assistive technology, universal design, accessibility remediation and related topics. Contact the Assistive Technology Specialist for details. See the Student Training and Faculty/Staff Resources pages for more information. 

A Quiet Place to Study

The Assistive Technology Lab offers a quieter room with height-adjustable desks, lamps, whiteboards, and Windows computers. This area of the library is great for those who want to get work done with limited external distractions. Specialized software is loaded on several of the computers in the lab. Please ask the Assistive Technology Specialist of any specialized technology you may need. 

The AT lab is sometimes used for overflow testing accommodations during finals week and may not be available during those times.