Flexibility Accommodations


Flexibility Accommodations

A student with a disability that is episodic in nature, such as but not limited to gastrointestinal disorders, lupus and other autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, migraines, cancer, psychological disorders, and pregnancy related conditions may have their ability to attend class and complete tests or assignments at the scheduled time occasionally impacted. Granting flexibility accommodations ensures that the student is not penalized for effects of their disability so long as the accommodation does not fundamentally alter the essential elements of the class. Disability Services reviews qualifying documentation and class syllabi to make the determination if the accommodation(s) for flexibility is reasonable.

Submit a Flex Form

Faculty Responsibility

Faculty have the right to establish attendance and late work/exam policies. However, flexibility for attendance, assignment due dates, and exam scheduling may be considered appropriate accommodations. The number of allowable absences and length of assignment extensions depends on the interactive or participatory nature of the course, or is based on department, college, or accrediting agency rules. Ultimately, Disability Services will determine reasonable flexibility after collaboration with both the student and faculty.

Flexibility for Attendance
Flexibility for Assignment Extension
Flexibility for Alternate Setting Type Classes
Know That:

Student Responsibilities

Students are expected and encouraged to attend class and to meet deadlines for assignments/tests as published in their course syllabi. Students are responsible for completing all class work and will be held to the same standard as all other students.

To make these accommodations effective:

  1. Place a Semester Request in Accommodate.
  2. Review each course syllabus. If additional flexibility is needed, student must submit a Flex form.
  3. Disability Services will review Flex form and, if approved, will email the Flex letter to faculty.
Know That: