Flexibility Accommodations
Flexibility Accommodations for UCCS Students
Students with episodic disabilities (e.g., gastrointestinal disorders, lupus, epilepsy, migraines, cancer, pregnancy-related conditions) may occasionally have difficulty attending class or meeting deadlines. Flexibility accommodations help ensure they aren’t penalized for their disability, provided the accommodations don’t fundamentally change the course's essential elements. Disability Services reviews documentation and syllabi to determine if the requested accommodations are reasonable.
Submit a Flex Form
Faculty Responsibility
Faculty have the right to establish attendance and late work/exam policies. However, flexibility for attendance, assignment due dates, and exam scheduling may be considered appropriate accommodations. The number of allowable absences and length of assignment extensions depends on the interactive or participatory nature of the course, or is based on department, college, or accrediting agency rules. Ultimately, Disability Services will determine reasonable flexibility after collaboration with both the student and faculty.
When a student is entitled to a flexible attendance policy as an accommodation, the faculty member will:
- Allow additional absences beyond what is stated in the course syllabus without penalty.
- Allow rescheduling of exam/quiz due to the direct effects of the disability that occurred on the day of the exam/quiz. DS recommends the rescheduling of exam no more than one week after the missed class period
When a student is entitled to assignment extensions as an accommodation, the faculty member will:
- For short-term assignments (3 days or fewer turnaround), allow up to 2 days extension without penalty.
Flexibility accommodations for non-lecture-based classes (i.e., clinicals, laboratory classes, student teaching and field placement), may differ from the classroom setting. Disability Services will work with faculty or program to determine if the requested accommodations are reasonable and do not alter essential outcomes of the program requirements or technical standards. In most cases students are not able to miss more than 1-2 additional days. Attendance and participation are typically an essential requirement of these types of classes.
- Faculty will receive an email outlining specifics of each student’s flexibility accommodation as it relates to the course.
- Faculty are responsible for communicating with Disability Services on how their course objectives may be impacted with each student requesting flexibility accommodations.
- Students can request this accommodation late in the term. In these cases, faculty are not expected to provide retroactive accommodations. Flexibility accommodations will be approved and implemented throughout the term.
- Faculty are not obligated to re-teach material missed due to student absences.
- Faculty should not request medical documentation from the student to support their request for flexibility accommodations.
Student Responsibilities

Students are expected and encouraged to attend class and to meet deadlines for assignments/tests as published in their course syllabi. Students are responsible for completing all class work and will be held to the same standard as all other students.
To make these accommodations effective:
- Place a Semester Request in Accommodate.
- Review each course syllabus. If additional flexibility is needed, student must submit a Flex form.
- Disability Services will review Flex form and, if approved, will email the Flex letter to faculty.
Additional Responsibilities
- A meeting may be requested between the student and the Accommodation Coordinator at any time during the flexibility accommodation process.
- For every disability-related occurrence, students are expected to email faculty prior to or within 24 hours each time flexibility accommodations need to be used due to the effects of the disability.
- The flexibility accommodations are not intended to be used every week, for every assignment, or every exam. This accommodation is not a blanket reason to miss class.
- Absences that are not related to the effects of a disability are not included in this accommodation (e.g., absences due to a common illness, personal appointments, childcare, work, etc.) and should be addressed according to the attendance/absence policy stated in the syllabus.
- Students are not required to present the faculty with medical documentation verifying the disability-related occurrence.
- Flexibility accommodations are not retroactive. Accommodations are effective once the Flex letter is sent to faculty.