Testing Accommodations

Testing Accommodation Policies

Below are the policies students who qualify for testing accommodations through Disability Services must follow to utilize their accommodations.

  • Test appointments must be scheduled at the same date/time that the class meets.  Exceptions are evening classes, back-to-back classes, or with prior permission from the instructor.
  • Test appointment requests placed after 4 p.m. on Friday for a Monday appointment may be declined. 24 hours' notice (business hours) are required.
  • To reschedule an appointment, you must first contact your professor and then follow up with Disability Services.
  • Tests must be started early enough to be finished by 4:45 pm, accounting for accommodations.
  • Students are responsible for communicating their approved extended time accommodations with their instructor prior to starting an online exam (i.e. Canvas).
  • In most cases, online exams can be facilitated with the faculty; no need to schedule with the Testing Center.
  • Arrive at Disability Services (Main Hall 324) on time and with the materials needed for exam (pencils, calculator, scantron, etc.).
  • No personal belongings are allowed in testing rooms (backpacks, purses, cell phones, smart watches, etc.). A limited number of lockers are available.
  • Disability Services is not responsible for lost or stolen items from lockers or testing areas.
  • Hats, sunglasses and oversized jackets or coats must be removed before entering the testing room.
  • Refrain from wearing strong scented lotions, perfumes, deodorants, etc. that may trigger allergic reactions or create a distracting environment.
  • Students are responsible for ensuring their exam is for the right course and exam/quiz number before starting the exam.
  • Students are responsible for managing their allotted testing time and exiting when time expires.
  • Remote proctoring via camera surveillance is monitored continuously in each testing room.
  • Restroom breaks are not allowed. Exceptions may be made for emergencies and approved accommodations.
  • Refrain from distracting behavior in the test environment (i.e. talking to self, humming, clicking pens). Distracting behavior will result in being asked to leave the testing room.
  • Students must abide by the UCCS Academic Honor Code. Any suspected violation of the Honor Code will be reported.
  • Clean your testing space once you complete an exam, this includes brushing away eraser crumbs or pencil markings from desk.
  • All test materials must be turned in at exam end, including scratch paper.

How to Schedule a Test

Students working on their computers in the library
  1. Log in to Accommodate to schedule your exam.
  2. Select Testing Room from the left-side menu.
    1. Under Pending Booking Requests, select New Booking Request.
    2. Choose which course the exam is for.
    3. Use search filters to refine your appointment availability.
  3. Select an appointment date and time, agree to Testing Center policies, and Submit.