Pregnancy Accommodations
Pregnancy Accommodations for UCCS Students
UCCS is committed to creating an accessible environment for pregnant students.
Title IX of the Education Amendments prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities including academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs or activities. The prohibition includes discrimination against pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions.
Students may request accommodation due to pregnancy, nursing, or pregnancy-related conditions through Disability Services. For support and procedures for employees, please contact the Department of Human Resources at (719) 255-3372. See below for more information on the process for students.
Accommodation requests are handled on a case-by-case basis and will depend on medical need and academic requirements. Some examples include:
- A larger desk or classroom furniture
- Breaks during class, as needed
- Rescheduling tests or exams
- Flexibility related to absences due to pregnancy or pregnancy related conditions
- Flexibility related to assignments deadlines due to pregnancy related conditions
Students may request accommodation due to pregnancy, nursing or pregnancy related conditions from Disability Services. Students may be required to produce documentation in accordance with University policy and procedure.
- Complete an Application for Accommodations.
- Provide documentation of your pregnancy-related condition. It is helpful to have your documentation before meeting with Disability Services.
- Schedule a Title IX Intake Meeting.
- Meet with Disability Service for a Title IX Intake Meeting - This meeting will help determine potential accommodations that will provide access in the academic environment.
- Meet with professors to provide a Title IX Notification Letter - We recommend that students meet with each instructor privately to ensure confidentiality. Accommodations start once the Title IX Notification Letter has been provided to faculty
Lactation Spaces on Campus
UCCS has adopted a Lactation Policy for individuals who are attending class at, working at, or visiting the UCCS campus. See the UCCS Lactation Room Map for detailed locations.
Z Permit Parking Spaces
UCCS Parking Services offers a special "Z Permit" reserved parking spaces throughout campus parking lots for current students and employees to assist with temporary injuries and/or other medical conditions that impair mobility (i.e. a broken leg, major surgery, pregnancy, etc.).
Information and application at UCCS Parking Services: “Z” Parking Permit Application
Procedures for Assisting Students who are Pregnant, Nursing, or with Pregnancy-Related Conditions
Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students (pamphlet from the US Department of Education)
Pregnant and Parenting Student-athletes (NCAA)
The Pregnant Scholar - Common Questions about Accommodations
Any individual who becomes aware of conduct that violates this policy should report the conduct to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator may be contacted at 719-255-4324 or equity@uccs.edu.