What is a Temporary Medical Condition?
Temporary medical conditions (TMCI) such as injuries, surgeries, or acute illnesses may not qualify as permanent disabling conditions. Disability Services provides assistance to students and guidance on working with a temporary medical condition while attending UCCS. UCCS faculty know these situations often impact students' ability to attend classes and complete work effectively. Below are strategies and resources for finding needed support during a difficult time.
If you would like to meet with a coordinator to discuss a TMCI, contact 719-255-3354 or dservice@uccs.edu.
Campus Resources
Temporary medical injuries can create a host of practical and emotional challenges. There are several campus resources available on campus that can provide you with information that may be helpful in dealing with your situation.
Proof of Temporary Medical Condition
Obtain a letter from your medical provider describing your condition, including the duration and limitations of your condition. Distribute these to your instructors or campus staff as needed.
Contact Your Instructors
Communicate with your instructors as soon as possible about how your injury may affect your course participation. Keep them informed of challenges you are facing and be proactive by suggesting possible solutions (e.g. making up missed work or exams, the need for note takers, additional time to get to class, seating, extra space to store crutches). Decisions regarding your temporary needs are at the discretion of your professors.
You may need to consider a reduced course load and allow additional time in your schedule for rehabilitation. Talk with your instructors immediately to reach an agreement regarding classes and assignments you are going to miss or have already missed. This includes making up missed exams and quizzes and time extensions on assignments. There may be other sections of the same class that you can attend in lieu of the one in which you are registered.
If your condition has caused you to miss a major part of the semester, it may be necessary to withdraw or request an incomplete. Discuss this with your professors and advisors. Contact the Admissions & Records for information about withdrawing from classes.
Class Notes
Ask a student in your class to take notes for you. Ask your notetaker to email you the notes or provide you with a photocopy. Disability Services can provide you with carbonless notepaper at no charge. Your volunteer can use this paper to take notes, and give you a copy immediately after class. We are located in the Main Hall 105.
Another option is to consider recording class lectures using a digital recorder, pen, or software (e.g., Livescribe Pen, One Note, etc.).
Producing Written or Typed Assignments
Ask a friend or family member to write or type for you. If this is not possible, you may need to hire a writing or secretarial service to assist you.
You may also consider speech-to-text software programs. These allow you to speak into the computer through a microphone and the software then converts your speech into written text. Free versions are available to download or you may purchase software (e.g., Dragon NaturallySpeaking).
Exams may present special challenges for those with temporary conditions. With advance notice, the strategies listed below might be acceptable alternatives to suggest to your professors and/or teaching assistants:
- Instead of using a scantron, mark answers selections directly on exam.
- Instead of handwriting an essay, use a laptop.
- For lab related experiments or "hands on" exams, orally describe what you would do, why you would do it, what you observe, etc.
- If you think you may need extra time to complete an exam, let your professor/teaching assistant know in advance.
- Take breaks during the exam.
- Orally record your answers.
- Use a scribe (provided by your professor/ teaching assistant).
If your professor or teaching assistant is unable to accommodate you with additional time or a scribe for your exam, contact Disability Services at 719-255-3354 to schedule an appointment with a coordinator to discuss your options. The appointment will take approximately 15-20 minutes and you must bring medical documentation to your appointment.
Parking & Transportation Services
UCCS Parking Office recognizes there are instances when special parking needs are required to assist with temporary injuries and/or other medical conditions that impair mobility (i.e. a broken leg, major surgery, pregnancy, etc.) and which don't necessarily need full ADA wheelchair accessibility accommodations. This "Z" permit will allow the UCCS student, faculty, or staff to park in specially designated "Z" permit required reserved spaces around the UCCS campus. To apply please complete the "Z" Parking Permit Application and return to Parking & Transportation Services in first floor of the Public Safety Building (Bldg 34) located at the east end, and adjacent to, the Gateway Garage.