Writing Accommodations

Students with a writing accommodation have access to a variety of software and services regarding writing. These accommodations range from dictation software to mind-mapping tools. To inquire about any of these options further, please contact UCCS Disability Services.
Recommended Software
Dragon is a dictation software in which you can speak into a microphone and have your words automatically be put on a page. This software provides an alternative to writing essays, as very little typing is required. This licensed product is available to students registered under disability services with a writing accommodation. To learn more about Dragon, visit their webpage.
Microsoft Word, a program available to all UCCS students, has native dictation support. If you have a microphone, you can speak into the microphone and Microsoft Word will put your spoken words onto a page. To learn more about Microsoft Word Dictation and how to use it, visit this tutorial page.
One-Hand Keyboard is a downloadable software for Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. This software can refactor your keyboard layout to be usable on one side only. This software is particularly helpful for those who have a limited range of motion and cannot access one side of the keyboard. To learn more about the One-Hand Keyboard software, click here.
For those who want to get started with the writing process, but use visuals as a way to gather and collect information, mind mapping is a great tool. There are a variety of mind mapping tools and software, ranging from browser-based products, to downloadable software. These tools can help you put down ideas and connect them together into a visual map of information that can help aid you during the writing process. For a variety of recommended mind mapping tools, click here.